There are 5 "stretches" that stand above the rest when it comes to improving posture, eliminating joint pain, and redistributing fat-folds for a leaner looking body. You see, your body is designed to prioritize length as much as strength, so exercising to build muscle or increase your metabolism is only half the battle.
In just 5 minutes per day (50 seconds per exercise, 10 seconds to transition to the following), you can transform your body image and begin looking and feeling up to a decade younger. Please begin doing the following routine every morning, so you can preset your muscles at the proper length before you begin your day:
Place your elbows and hands in front of you, such that your elbows and hands are touching in a 'prayer-like' position, but with your elbows at chest-height and hands at forehead height. From this position, move your arms out to the side by slowly squeezing your shoulder blades together until your chest is wide open and you feel a stretch along the entire front of of your chest and abdomen. Return slowly to the starting position and repeat.
Begin with your elbows straight and arms crossed in front of you, such that you're squeezing your pecs together and rounding your shoulders forward. From this position, extend your arms upward and outward, while depressing your shoulders and retracting your chin into a double-chin position. You will be in a 'Y-like' position at the top. Return slowly to the starting position and repeat.
Lie on your back and place the tennis ball just behind your shoulder, about 2 inches from the outer most point of your arm. From here, place your arm into the beginner (external rotation) or advanced (internal rotation) position, and gently rock side to side; gradually increase the amount of weight you're placing through the tennis ball. By progressing how much pressure you use, you'll release 'fascia,' which is what generally prevents you from progressing when doing a standard 'stretching' exercise.
Start with your elbows at your sides, hands up, chest big, and shoulders back. From here, slowly raise your arms into the air, while keeping your shoulders down and preventing them from hiking. Also, be sure not to lose your core, in that you'll want to maintain a light abdominal contraction that prevents your low back from bending. The end position of this exercise is determined by the maximum height you can raise your arms without either of your shoulders shrugging upward. After reaching the top, return to the starting position and repeat.
In the z-sit position, roll the ball about 2 inches or 2 revolutions up from your knee, until you find the soft spot in your leg. From there, press down and perform gentle revolutions of the tennis ball until you find the sensitive area; focus on increasing pressure slowly but surely, as you progress through this exercise. By gradually increasing pressure with this exercise, you'll release 'fascia,' which is like the encasement for muscles, organs, and other areas of your body.
By doing each of the above stretches on a daily basis, you will notice a difference within a few days. Within 2 weeks, you'll feel as if you grew, and you'll likely be shocked how easy it was to look and feel so much leaner without intense exercise or extreme dieting.
You see, body balancing is the magic behind "5 Minutes To Look Younger," our bestselling 4-disc anti-aging DVD set. In fact, these exact stretches were taken from one of our DVDs, which is available today for FREE. If you think it would help to eliminate aches and pains, move freely, and only have to spend 5 minutes, every 'other' day exercising, we'd love to give you a FREE DVD to get started.
All you have to do is click the link below and you'll be given private access to an order form that will reduce the price from $25 down to $0 for our most popular stretching DVD. Besides, if you get even half the results of our other clients, you won't be sorry. Please click the link below to get your FREE DVD right away (just pay s/h):