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Fat loss by fighting hormones


I had sow some of your videos, it is really fantastic.

My problem is I have a sagging abdomen and breast mainly, I am a single lady not married yet, have no children, I am wandering if your program will help me to loss weight and tight my saggy muscles, my weight is 97kg & 164cm height in my fortys I have heard about you from Isabel I do some exercise but my breast and abdomen is not getting better much only a little off course I have some fat hear and their like saggy triceps and inner thigh but my biggest problem and concern are breast and abdomen can you help me I will be really grateful

Isabel once send me one article talk about some hormones if it is high in the body the body will accumulate fat in some area in the body and she said fight hormones with hormones by some training are talking about the same also in your training

this is the first time I send to some body to help me and get rid of my saggy muscles

can't wait hearing from you


I think that the whole sagging abdomen and breast concept is something a lot of people are going through so I can relate to what you're saying. I've given a lot of advice in this area before and in fact I've created a program exactly for this called Anti-Gravity Solution. The whole basis for it is actually straightening-out your posture, pulling your chest up, allowing your butt to sort of tip back down and in and that reduces the amount of abdominal fat because it re-distributes it. In terms of fighting hormones with hormones, you're referring to John Romaniello's program called Final Phase Fat Loss, so that's the one you're looking for in that regard. Sure hope this information helps.

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