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Dyne disc substitution


I recently decided to give your program a try, and I'm really excited to start!

The only thing that I am having trouble with is that, I can't find dyna discs anywhere!

I live in Mexico and unfortunately there are not many fitness shops here. So I was wondering if you would have any idea of something else I could use for the exercises involving dyna discs.


Don't let this stop you - you can do the exercises without them, but here are a few ideas for you:

  1. Couch Pillows
  2. Nefitco.com - they may deliver them to you for pretty cheap
  3. Upside down Bosu Ball
  4. Balance Board
  5. Sand (sand is naturally unstable)

*Results may vary. Please read our full disclaimer here

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*Results may vary. Please read our full disclaimer here

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