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Sciatica and age issue


I am fifty-four years old and was wondering if I should attempt this excercises because I am a least 70lbs over-weight. I also have a problem with my sciatca, please advise.


That's a great question. Age, alone, isn't a reason not to exercise. If you think about it, our bodies actually require a bit more to stay healthy as we age, but somehow we think we should do less. It's backwards logic. As for the 70 pounds overweight, sure, you should exercise, and you've done the hardest part by reaching out. I'm glad you asked, and I'm here to see you through. Remember, some is better than none and you should see your weight loss goals to be healthy lifestyle instead of weight loss. Who cares if you're at your perfect weight in the next 30 days or 30 months? Either way, every day is better than yesterday, and you feel better than ever. Go through whatever you can, but make it a positive experience. Commit to doing as much of the program each day as you can, and always as much as yesterday. Keep it simple - survive, conquer, win.


As for your sciatic pain and exercise, that requires that you check with your doctor or physical therapist. If you have questions about what is safe and what is not for sciatic pain, and what to expect with exercise, this is a very specialized area in and of itself - I've written an entire e-book on back pain, in case you'd like to use it as a resource in your rehabilitation. You can find it here: http://BackInjuryGuide.com - I go over Sciatic issues in full detail with sample rehabilitative programs in this book. That said, avoid things that are painful and make sure to increase aerobic fitness levels to reduce back pain. That's known to have a tremendous impact. Hope this helps!

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